dating advice

Dear men, the relationship isn’t improving – she’s moved on

I notice this quite a bit – men who genuinely believe their relationship is *improving* when actually it’s the opposite. She’s moved on, like done-zo – checked out of the relationship. I don’t totally understand men’s logic on this one (granted, women share this, too, just *different*) but I imagine it’s simply because the arguing,

Dear men, the relationship isn’t improving – she’s moved on Read More »

5 Questions to ask yourself after a first date if you’re looking for Love

If you’re looking for Love, dating can be hard, especially in a very digital-focused, online-based world. From simply meeting people to actually getting to know them has changed, and not necessarily to a better alternative. Maybe getting a date isn’t the problem – that’s why I came up with five important, self-reflective questions to ask

5 Questions to ask yourself after a first date if you’re looking for Love Read More »