Everyone goes through heartache at a point in their life. It’s one of the toughest times to pull out of, and many times we just need to hear the things that speak to us. And often times there are things women need to learn from relationship heartache.
So, whether you are looking for confirmation, inspiration, motivation or affirmation, here are 38 things women need to learn from heartache to pull yourself together and get back on your own feet.

25+ TRUTHS Strong Women Learn From Relationship Heartbreak
1 | If you don’t value yourself, then you will attract people who don’t value you, either. So it’s important to understand why women with self worth have more successful relationships.
2 | If you’re in love with two people, pick the second one, because if you truly loved the first you wouldn’t have fallen in love the second time
3 | Never be with someone who breaks your trust more than once in a relationship: the first time was a warning, the second time is a lesson, and anything beyond that is taking advantage
4 | Take the time to be single in between a relationship; learn from the mistakes, wrong doings, and stop desperately looking for a relationship.
5 | You can’t pour from an empty cup; take care of yourself first
6 | Don’t marry someone or get in a serious relationship with someone unless you’d be proud to bring a child into the world exactly like them
7 | Focus on yourself instead of finding someone better than you ex; a better you will find a better next
8 | The difference between ‘I Like You’ and ‘I Love You’ are like flowers: If you Like it, you’ll pick it, and if you Love it, you’ll continue to water it and watch it grow
9 | The one you should marry shouldn’t make your heart beat faster, your mind feel giddy; marry the one who makes you feel warm, safe and secure
10 | Find the man who will praise you in front of other women, not someone who will praise other women in front of you
11 | Fight for the fairy tale – it does exist
12 | Be the Love you never received
13 | A real relationship is two imperfect people refusing to give up on each other
14 | Until you’re comfortable being alone, you will never know if you’re choosing someone out of Love or Loneliness
15 | Don’t chase them, attract them, and be yourself – the people who belong in your life will find you and stay there
16 | You can’t start the next chapter of your life if you keep re-reading the last one
17 | The moment you feel that you have to prove your worth, is the moment you desperately need to walk away
18 | You can always tell if a man loves you through the time he’s willing to invest – money spent is meaningless, but time given is priceless
19 | When someone loves you, they don’t have to say it – you can tell just by how they treat you
20 | Love can hurt, but that doesn’t mean Love is supposed to bring about pain and suffering
21 | If it’s not making you better, then it isn’t Love. True Love make you more of who you are, not less
22 | A gentlemen will open doors, pull out chairs and hold things for you – not because you are unable or helpless, but because you are worthy of respect and should be treated like a queen
23| A real man has nothing to hide. He will tell you whatever you want to know, because when he is 100% honest with you, he knows he will gain your trust no matter what. Know the signs of when you could be dating a liar.
24 | A soulmate isn’t someone who completes you, but someone who inspires you to complete yourself
25 | Sometimes the love of your life comes after the mistake of your life
26 | When you repeat the same mistakes over and over, that makes it harder for the next person to come into your life to make it right
27 | Love is the perfect recipe of respect, communication, companionship, friendship and understanding. If you leave out one ingredient, it could result in failure
28 | Intimacy is not purely physical – it is the act of connecting with someone so deeply, you feel like you can see into their soul
29 | The ultimate goal is to laugh forever with someone who can take you seriously
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30 | The sure sign of a man’s strength is how gently he loves you
31 | Don’t be an option, be a priority
32 | One day someone is going to embrace you so tight, all of your broken pieces will be put back together
33 | A relationship is like a house – when the light bulb burns out, you don’t go buy another house – you fix it
34 | When a man is truly interested, there will be no need for you to do the pursuing. Men are born to pursue, and yes you can if you want to, but for a man to sit back and wait for her to chase him – that shows you where you stand in his life and priorities. Know the signs when someone is just not interested.
35 | If someone can fall asleep knowing you’re crying, hurting or didn’t get home safe, they don’t care about you
36 | The best relationships are the ones you never saw coming…
37 | When someone else’s happiness is your happiness – that is Love
38 | Be with someone who reminds you what butterflies feel like
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