[Gift Guide For Couples] 7 Ideas To Bring The Romance For The Holidays

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This post received complimentary product by Kisses 4 Us® in exchange for a gift guide recognition.

[Gift Guide For Couples] 7 Ideas To Bring The Romance For The Holidays | #gifted | 2019 Holiday gift guide | Looking to spark the romance, build intimacy in your relationship? I came up with a list of great Holiday gift ideas for couples | A couple's approach to a Christmas gift guide - for your husband, wife, boyfriend or girlfriend in mind. | #giftguideforher #giftguideforhim #holidayromance | theMRSingLink

The Holidays are right around the corner!

Um, yesterday was June I thought?

And that’s what happens when you blink. Before you know it, you’re trying to remember all the things you came across throughout the year and said to yourself, “That would be a great Christmas gift!

Story of my life around here.

Of course one of the most difficult people to shop for in my life is my husband. The thing is… when we want or need something we normally just get it right then. So when Christmas time comes around we can’t necessarily think of anything we actually need or want.

And that might be part of the problem – basing gift ideas solely on what the other person asks for. As adults, that isn’t always reliable or achievable. So what then? That’s when I decided to come up with a gift guide for couples. Since Christmas is second runner-up for being the most romantic time of year, I thought of this being the perfect opportunity to create a guide to bring the romance.

So if you’re stumped on what to get your spouse for the Holidays, or you’re struggling in the romantic department – I got you. All I ask if that you keep an open mind, since romance is defined uniquely for every individual. You might surprise yourself, and your partner.

Happy Holidays, friends!

[Gift Guide For Couples] 7 Ideas To Bring The Romance For The Holidays | #gifted | 2019 Holiday gift guide | Looking to spark the romance, build intimacy in your relationship? I came up with a list of great Holiday gift ideas for couples | A couple's approach to a Christmas gift guide - for your husband, wife, boyfriend or girlfriend in mind. | #giftguideforher #giftguideforhim #holidayromance | theMRSingLink

spice up the intimacy

set the mood

Think mood lighting, a lit fireplace (and if you don’t have a real one, I got you covered here) soft music, aroma therapy and a glass of wine, champagne or stiff drink of your desires.

Most often when those think of romance, they think of setting the mood, so consider aromatherapy scented candles or flameless flickering candles, a wireless Bluetooth speaker to take with you from room to room, a whiskey decanter, wine aerator or specialized glasses for those who have a knack for making cocktails from home.

And if you know that a way to a woman and man’s heart is food, you know that chocolate covered strawberries are a staple in mood setting delights, which aren’t difficult to find or make! There’s no need to overthink the gift giving process – food is definitely a top contender on the list. That means you can also think outside the box, such as getting an array of cheeses, wines and beers, chocolates, or known aphrodisiacs to help set the mood.

foreplay yes way

Not all foreplay involves sex, so don’t get your mind totally in the gutter. You’re on your own there, so I’ll keep this part nice and PG-13.

You might need your thinking caps, depending on what your partner likes, but there are many playful ideas that can make the leading-up-to that much more exciting. Fun games for couples, like Kisses 4 Us® is a great way to start with the very basic – kissing, duh.

[Gift Guide For Couples] 7 Ideas To Bring The Romance For The Holidays | Looking to spark the romance, build intimacy in your relationship? I came up with a list of great Holiday gift ideas for couples | Christmas gift guide for couples | #giftguideforher #giftguideforhim #holidayromance | theMRSingLink
[Gift Guide For Couples] 7 Ideas To Bring The Romance For The Holidays | #gifted | 2019 Holiday gift guide | Looking to spark the romance, build intimacy in your relationship? I came up with a list of great Holiday gift ideas for couples | A couple's approach to a Christmas gift guide - for your husband, wife, boyfriend or girlfriend in mind. | #giftguideforher #giftguideforhim #holidayromance | theMRSingLink

Flirty, romantic and innocent (yes, you could play this one around the kiddos), sometimes it’s creating that “spark” where physical intimacy truly begins. You choose a card that has a suggested kiss (like a kiss on the hand) – leave the card somewhere for your partner to find, or use the suggestions from the box for other ways to use the Kiss Cards. It’s a fun, playful and innocently cute gift idea for couples, and even new relationships.

Seriously, though. Playfulness brings physical intimacy to a whole new level, and also encourages couples to be more open about intimacy and sex, learning about what the other likes, trying new things and simply making the experience fun and inviting. Talk, Flirt Or Dare or O-ing Tower Naughty Stacking Blocks might be more your thing, as these are more hands on – literally. Or you can also find a variety of sexy card games for couples (Joyful Couple’s Bundles has some great options) for building physical intimacy – a “pick your poison” approach, ranging from romantic, naughty to kinky.

While, yes, foreplay is considered more sensual focused, there are other fun ways to build up the anticipation, as well as help you connect on that intimate level. Like body massages (massaging oil), bubble baths (bath bombs) and lingerie to name a few. 

recommended reads

There’s no better way to share one-on-one quality time than to read together. Sometimes it can be hard for couples to connect, or communicate, their needs – why not let a book help encourage that for you?

*Disclaimer: try not to automatically assume that by reading books geared toward your love life it means there are evident “struggles” or the “need” for help in your relationship. Read simply for the insight, the inspiration and the willingness to be open to exploring knowledge that can help you grow as a couple. 

Like self help books, there are dozens specifically to help improve intimacy and connection in your relationship or marriage. Some can be a bit heavier and more serious, like Hold Me Tight: Seven Conversations For A Lifetime Of Love, and others much light-hearted, such as a daily, interactive journal for couples or 201 Relationship Questions To Building Trust And Intimacy.

Looking for something more sex-focused, or to improve your sex life with your partner? Love Worth Making, Come As You Are and 101 Nights Of Great Sex can be an exciting place to start.

get away [literally]

Who says you can’t give the gift of travel?

Sometimes the romance just needs a kick in the rear. And by that I mean a change of pace or scenery. You can often find the relationship stuck in a rut over time with the daily life and work routine – ahem, hence why it is a priority that my husband and I take a big trip (or two) every year.

Nothing says romance like a getaway, or staycation.

We book most of our trips through VRBO! So if you’re a couple with the love for travel, a travel journal is a unique way to remember your favorite experiences and plan your your future travels.

Maybe your partner has been talking about that Alaskan cruise, tropical resort or log cabin in the mountains. Booking a trip together is a one-way ticket to building the romance factor.

FYI, you don’t need to go too far or spend a week’s amount of money on a fancy trip, either. All you need is to pack an overnight bag (which you can find for her here, and him here) for any romantic mini weekend vacation.

[Gift Guide For Couples] 7 Ideas To Bring The Romance For The Holidays | #gifted | 2019 Holiday gift guide | Looking to spark the romance, build intimacy in your relationship? I came up with a list of great Holiday gift ideas for couples | A couple's approach to a Christmas gift guide - for your husband, wife, boyfriend or girlfriend in mind. | #giftguideforher #giftguideforhim #holidayromance | theMRSingLink

set a date[day/night]

it’s all about experiences

You know what they say behind the value of an experience over material items. And sometimes new experiences are everything for couples trying to amp up the romance. Besides, continuing to date your partner is critical in every relationship!

And let’s be real, experiences adds to the excitement.

When I say try something new, this can mean doing something outside of your usual comfort ranges. So what if it’s been almost a decade since you last went to a theme park?

If you both enjoy it – don’t overthink it – get the tickets!

You can never see too many movies or eat at the same beloved restaurants. Plus dinner and a movie will never go out of style, so gifting movie tickets or gift cards to your partner’s personal favorites are always a win-win. This also shows you pay attention to what your partner truly likes, and that definitely earns you much deserved brownie points.

Or make a point to actually try something new, and do it together. Whether that be something as rugged as a hot air balloon ride, scuba diving lessons, skydiving, parasailing, rock climbing or more laid back like taking a pottery class, dance class or paint night, sailing on a sunset catamaran cruise, going to a concert, play or dinner theater show, touring a brewery/winery or signing up for a couples cooking class.

A major key player in maintaining the spark in any relationship is engaging in activities you can enjoy together.

These might be a bit tough to gift, but this is your chance to get a bit creative with the element of surprise (otherwise a simple IOU card does just fine).

make it a date night [IN]

Quality time on a budget can still be spent well. Don’t let the expensive nights out fool you – there are plenty of ways to bring the romance from the comfort of your own home. Besides there’s no need to drive anywhere, and you can waiver on a sitter since there are so many ideas you can do after the kiddos go to sleep.

From fondu for two, take out by candlelight, or playing a classic board game – don’t let simplicity take away from sparking the romance. You can cook a meal together (check out these date night recipes on the blog, or gift them a cook book for two), re-watch your wedding video (and start filming your life memories with your own camcorder), stargaze (you won’t believe what your eyes can see with a telescope), or build a living room fort with a movie marathon.

give the gift of Love

Cheesy or not, sentimental gifts will never be overrated. They just have a special way of bringing out all the feels.

So when I can’t think of anything to get my husband – especially around the Holidays – I usually wind up going the sentimental route. And he does, too.

This may be a framed, personalized photo (companies like Snapfish, Easy Canvas Prints and Shutterfly are high-quality and inexpensive), a hand-crafted item from Etsy (they have some of the most unique and personalized sentimental gifts for couples), or something I made entirely myself (or a crafty project you can create together – like a scrapbook or photo album).

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