Category: Love
5 Signs he’s not being honest with you
There are subtle signs and clear signs that the guy you’re dating isn’t being totally honest or upfront with you – on the extreme end, he may even be a compulsive liar. Sometimes these signs aren’t flat-out noticeable, especially when you’re not looking for them. And if these signs go unresolved, you could be headed…
How to let someone down instead of ghosting
Or, rather…gently and sincerely. Regardless, severing the cord and letting someone down with the uncomfortable “truth” won’t always be a cakewalk. TBH, if you’re not prepared to face rejection, seriously, don’t date.. And the lesson here is how to let someone down instead of ghosting them. Relationships shouldn’t be like walking the tight rope. Avoiding…
11 Ways you may be unintentionally driving him away
Love makes us do crazy things. This is true. Some for the better and some not. We forget that Love is intentional and not always impulsive. You may frequently hear through the grapevine of love advice to simply go with the flow and let Love happen. And sure, you should, but hearing that doesn’t mean…
4 Ways to make your spouse feel loved every day
To my fellow married peeps out there, this is the tea – an underrated practice you should be implementing if you want your spouse to feel loved every single day. And, obviously, if you’re not married and in a committed relationship…yes, this applies to you as well. This one slips easily, and a lot –…
5 Ways couples benefit from a relationship journal
Relationships are work. I hear this time and time again, and while a part of me agrees, there’s a lot of context in that statement that can leave a bad taste in the mouth. In every sense, relationships ARE work – otherwise, they wouldn’t mean much. The same way I can say, “Your job is…