dating advice

When Finding A Good Guy Is Scarier Than Your Toxic Relationships

Does it even make sense?? Being more fearful of finding a good guy that doesn’t come with all the drama-filled, emotionally exhausting, roller coaster ride of your previous toxic relationships? Listen, that very fear is valid. But breathe easy when I say this transition through healing will pass. It won’t be easy at first, it’ll […]

When Finding A Good Guy Is Scarier Than Your Toxic Relationships Read More »

A Relationship Built To Last Can Survive A Stay-At-Home Lockdown

Right now this so-called lockdown, staycation, work-from-home, solitary confinement or period of unwilful solitude – whatever you want to call it – is about to test everyone’s relationships. Whether you’re newly dating, in a relationship, living together or apart, engaged or married, this indirectly enforced stay-at-home confinement is going to be the ultimate test if

A Relationship Built To Last Can Survive A Stay-At-Home Lockdown Read More »

Transparency is the REAL couple’s goals

We can’t deny this is true, that we (at least, in America and probably most European nations) live in this increasing “new-age” of hyper-independence. And this is reflected in many aspects of our lives – through our lifestyle [habits, commitments, priorities], ideology [thinking, beliefs], upbringing [conditioning], career, relationships, and even how we simply treat others

Transparency is the REAL couple’s goals Read More »