Category: Love
10 Uncomfortable reasons you should not get married
Before deep-diving into this post, I first came up with a brief, rough-draft list. This list mounted well into the 20-something, yet I narrowed it down to the top 10 uncomfortable reasons you should not get married. Eeek. BUT, this post really isn’t all you think it will be. When I say uncomfortable reasons, what…
How to make the most of your 20s with your friends
Assuming you are reading this – obviously – in your 20s, but more importantly, this [hopefully] being the time in your life when your friends are…well…life. Although this is more of an unconventional approach, I believe this is the time to make the most of your 20s *with your bestie(s)*. You and your crew are…
Dear men, here’s why she doesn’t WANT to have sex
Dear men, the literal fact is you keep missing the point. Notice, in caps, that I said want. This isn’t a matter of why she won’t; she won’t have sex with you, say, because she is waiting until marriage. The title of this post also does not take into account the basic, most obvious reason,…
Do you want closure or redemption in a relationship?
Ask yourself the hard, pivotal post-breakup question when it comes to relationships: what does closure mean to me? And really, be frank, don’t hold back. Because that’s what this post is about – figuring out what it can actually mean to want closure, and maybe even closure you didn’t get. The hard truth is, on…
3 Reasons dating is difficult *today* when men are, too
*Today*, dating is difficult, while men are also becoming increasingly difficult to date. So when I say I hope I am not biting off more than I can chew, I’m really hoping these spitfires of little truth bombs won’t end up biting me in the a**. Because, woo-wee, do we have some SOFTIES in the…