Cheating on your partner doesn’t start in the bedroom (30+ examples)

We’re not going to like it but we’re going there. It pains me to even have to say in this day and age…but cheating on your partner doesn’t start in the bedroom! I think we all know this – we’re aware of it – yet we’re hell-bent on supporting our imperfectness as human beings…until we … Read more

25+ Things to say to an anxious attached partner (that actually help)

Those who actually read this post are most likely to have an anxious attachment style (not to be confused with the fearful avoidant attachment). Because, alas, I find that it’s the anxiously attached partners who are also more likely to seek out answers and resources. If you aren’t that partner, then I hope this can … Read more

Dear men, the relationship isn’t improving – she’s moved on

I notice this quite a bit – men who genuinely believe their relationship is *improving* when actually it’s the opposite. She’s moved on, like done-zo – checked out of the relationship. I don’t totally understand men’s logic on this one (granted, women share this, too, just *different*) but I imagine it’s simply because the arguing, … Read more

8 Signs of a clingy partner or relationship

It’s no surprise – we’re already quick to label clinginess by its select and stereotypical qualities. But what are some of the brushed-under-the-rug signs of a clingy partner or relationship? You know, the soft spots we’re not really ready to touch on. This isn’t talked about as much, but the damaging effects – IMO – … Read more

8 Lies about Love society has made you to believe

And I’m talking about Love in truth, not this version of Love from culture, or “man” (society). Because the “Love” that society has curated and pushed is not only destructive but normalized. Part of me almost wants to say that we aren’t actually equipped to handle what real Love means because subsequently…we’d crumble to dust. … Read more

10 Uncomfortable reasons you should not get married

Before deep-diving into this post, I first came up with a brief, rough-draft list. This list mounted well into the 20-something, yet I narrowed it down to the top 10 uncomfortable reasons you should not get married. Eeek. BUT, this post really isn’t all you think it will be. When I say uncomfortable reasons, what … Read more

Dear men, here’s why she doesn’t WANT to have sex

Dear men, the literal fact is you keep missing the point. Notice, in caps, that I said want. This isn’t a matter of why she won’t; she won’t have sex with you, say, because she is waiting until marriage. The title of this post also does not take into account the basic, most obvious reason, … Read more

Boundaries you need to protect your marriage from an affair

Boundaries To Protect Your Marriage From An Affair | Cheating doesn't start with sex, or the bedroom, but with intention by jeopardizing the integrity of marriage | Ways to avoid having an affair, and to ensure that the risk of cheating never comes between you and your spouse | Cheating is a choice - fidelity is also a choice | Why you must intentionally do right by your spouse (not by your feelings) in order to uphold loyalty and faithfulness in marriage | #marriage #infidelity #affairrecovery #marriagehelp | theMRSingLink

Did you know there are necessary boundaries to protect your marriage from an affair? I know, I know, some of ya’ll be like, “BuT wHy Do I nEeD tO pRoTeCt My MaRrIaGe FrOm SoMeThInG i WoUlD nEvEr Do? My PaRtNeR sHoUlD jUsT tRuSt Me!“ Okay, then: Why do you need an alarm system? You should … Read more