relationship tips

We know each other’s passwords [Our marriage has no secrets!]

**PSA: There’s a way to be transparent about your digital privacy while also maintaining respect for that privacy. You CAN respect both ways – shocking, I know. I’m about to get real. If you’re in a serious, committed relationship (like marriage) then nothing is secretive or on lockdown from your partner – sorry, not sorry. […]

We know each other’s passwords [Our marriage has no secrets!] Read More »

Avoid Complacency In Marriage [7 Simple Fixes To Help Reverse It]

Without even realizing it, we engage in behavior that corrodes our relationships slowly over time from day one. This is likely inevitable – reversible, but inevitable. We might see this corrosion as security, contentment or a sense of complete comfort with our spouse. What we fail to believe is that we are allowing the relationship

Avoid Complacency In Marriage [7 Simple Fixes To Help Reverse It] Read More »

Transparency is the REAL couple’s goals

We can’t deny this is true, that we (at least, in America and probably most European nations) live in this increasing “new-age” of hyper-independence. And this is reflected in many aspects of our lives – through our lifestyle [habits, commitments, priorities], ideology [thinking, beliefs], upbringing [conditioning], career, relationships, and even how we simply treat others

Transparency is the REAL couple’s goals Read More »