dating tips

How to get him to open up emotionally + what I’ve learned

It’s easy to limit ourselves when it comes to the meaning of expression. And I think it’s quite obvious that most women have an easier time demonstrating their feelings and emotions, as well as opening up emotionally to their spouse and others. Meaning we’re [more] readily available to talk about them and willing to show […]

How to get him to open up emotionally + what I’ve learned Read More »

10 Petty Arguments You’ll Have In Every Relationship

It’s simple: you can’t allow inevitable imperfections to ruin your shot at a decent, meaningful relationship. Especially those petty and irrational arguments. OK – easier said than done. When I say petty, I’m talking about the things that shouldn’t really become a problem or create more problems in the first place. When all is said

10 Petty Arguments You’ll Have In Every Relationship Read More »

Transparency is the REAL couple’s goals

We can’t deny this is true, that we (at least, in America and probably most European nations) live in this increasing “new-age” of hyper-independence. And this is reflected in many aspects of our lives – through our lifestyle [habits, commitments, priorities], ideology [thinking, beliefs], upbringing [conditioning], career, relationships, and even how we simply treat others

Transparency is the REAL couple’s goals Read More »