dating problems

If you haven’t found Love from your dating “type”, read this

What having a “type” actually means and where it stems from, why your “type” may be more “restricting” than helpful, and how to evolve from dating strictly within your “type” – these are questions you will find answers to within this post. So if your dating “type” has failed you or always seems to bring

If you haven’t found Love from your dating “type”, read this Read More »

When Finding A Good Guy Is Scarier Than Your Toxic Relationships

Did you ever think you would find yourself at that point? Being more fearful for landing a decent guy that doesn’t come with all the drama-filled, emotionally exhausting, roller coaster ride of your previous toxic relationships? Listen, that very fear is valid. But breathe easy when I say this transition through healing will pass. It

When Finding A Good Guy Is Scarier Than Your Toxic Relationships Read More »

Online dating in a pandemic [3 lockdown dangers to be MORE aware of]

Surprisingly enough dating has become a legitimate struggle right now as we face this uncertain lockdown. But I’ll bet more and more singles are logging on and signing up for dating sites – even for the hell of it. Don’t feel like reading? Watch the video! Many consider it pointless, damaging to their chances of

Online dating in a pandemic [3 lockdown dangers to be MORE aware of] Read More »