Category: Love
7 Signs Your Type Is The Wrong Guy For You – Period
Whether you’re someone who has a type, believes in the “type“, or you think your love life doesn’t revolve around a specific type – who you attract, and the types of people you are attracted to may be set to repeat. You may not even realize it. Your type isn’t just physical attributes. It can…
Caramel Brownie And Chocolate Chip Layer Cake
It was my husband’s 32nd birthday this weekend! He’s one unique lover for chocolate, as well as indecisive on whether he would rather have a brownie, or a chocolate chip cookie. So, I decided to go with both – in this 4-layer Hershey’s caramel brownie chocolate chip cake. Needless to say, it’s only been 2 days…
Brutally Honest Tid-Bits On Marriage [Nobody Really Talks About]
I do love my husband. And I think I love him more for the things I wasn’t expecting to – for the things I never saw in him while we were dating, honestly. So I think I really lucked out with that one. But in reality, nothing in this world truly prepared me for marriage.…
11 Reasons to stop texting your EX – do. not. respond!
You want to know what it truly takes to get over your EX? It definitely isn’t going to happen if you keep texting him – period. Think of it this way – if you’ve been back and forth off and on texting an EX for three months post break-up, you’re at a -30 in the…
Low-key romantic date ideas to see if there’s a spark
That first date: there’s only one thing every “first date” should involve, and that’s spending the time in getting to know one another. Nothing else. First dates ideas should put forth some creative thought, yet refrain from being over the top. Considering a “first date“, it’s the first time you are either meeting in person,…