Category: Love
What online dating was really like until I met my husband
I met my husband through online dating in late 2012. Prior to that I had been familiar with dating online, around 2009-2010ish. In total I spent give or take three years on dating sites, before there were dating apps, with a 2-year relationship in between. While I know online dating has changed and come a…
Fear not – How to talk about money in relationships
This is relationship and marriage edition of how to talk about money with your partner/spouse. In another post I unpack having The Money Talk while dating. I made two separate posts and created two workbooks pertaining to the finances in dating and relationships because the information provided in each are entirely different. If you’re not…
My 4 biggest dating regrets that impacted my life
Everyone is bound to have feelings of sadness, remorse or repentance toward something pertaining to their love life, particularly having dating regrets. I have my own, yet this certainly doesn’t mean I have any regrets about where I now stand or my marriage. Sure, some may go as far as to say, “Who cares? You’re…
5 Ways to detox in a day that can change your life
And these are ones anyone can do! Sure, while 24 hours is next to nothing for some, for many, building healthy habits require making small, incremental changes. Lo and behold, small changes can have a dramatic impact! So, a 24-hour detox can be life-changing. It’s a good starting place as any. *And by all means,…