Category: Lifestyle
5 Ways to detox in a day that can change your life
And these are ones anyone can do! Sure, while 24 hours is next to nothing for some, for many, building healthy habits require making small, incremental changes. Lo and behold, small changes can have a dramatic impact! So, a 24-hour detox can be life-changing. It’s a good starting place as any. *And by all means,…
10+ Unpopular ways to live a happy life
We live in a world where happiness and to live a happy life is the goal. We’re always seeking and striving for it. Oftentimes we find it until we don’t have it anymore. But only those who truly understand know that happiness is not a constant, and it cannot be *bought*. At the end of…
Girlies, getting your life together can ALSO mean..
To all my girlies, besties, ladies out there – if you’re on the “getting my life together” train, I want you to remember something! This looks different for everybody, and a lot of it depends on whether you’re following what’s mainstream. In a world full of influencers, getting your life together tends to focus heavily…
If you want good food in Key Largo, go for underrated
I’m always about good food, and especially with a good view. But oftentimes I’m met with either or, especially with restaurants that promise both for appearance’s [popularity’s] sake. Here’s the thing when I’m on vacation: I want to eat, and I want food that satisfies. You feel me? So if you want good food in…
The Pawfect Gift Guide For Dog Moms, Dog Lovers + Your Dog
You know what bugs me most about gift guides? Seeing the same stuff – year after year. As a blogger, this can be tough, but I want to make an effort to bring the latest and most unique items and ideas well worth beyond their years. So, a gift guide that keeps on giving year…