Brown Sugar Cinnamon Streusel Chocolate Chip Banana Bread

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Once again, I will let you in on my deadly secret: I’m not a big breakfast fan. Brunch, now that’s a different ball game. My body can’t fathom waking up and eat first thing. But I’ve learned I can’t really depend on that forever – so I really enjoy recipes I can make ahead of time and have to grab for a quick bite in the morning. And this Banana Bread is one for the exception to the rule.

Another fun fact for ya: I was never a banana/banana bread fan as a kid. YEP – went there. What changed – I still don’t exactly know. But maybe it’s that I’m not a plain Jane banana bread lover – I tend to have to dress it up, whether that be with butter, cream cheese (Ohhh, the amount of cream cheese that went on those banana bread slices as a kid), or hazelnut spread (This being a new one – indulgent, but incredibly good – try it!).

I went a little outward with this one – being that I have an odd love for anything cinnamon sugar when it comes to breakfast foods. And best of all, the chocolate chips, too – c’mon now. This ONE BOWL brown sugar cinnamon streusel chocolate chip banana bread recipe will be the highlight of your morning, I PROMISE you that.


brown sugar cinnamon streusel
chocolate chip

banana bread


Brown Sugar Cinnamon Streusel Chocolate Chip Banana Bread | Banana Bread Recipes | Easy Breakfast Recipes | Perfect recipes for leftovers | On the go breakfast recipes | easiest banana bread recipe | One bowl banana bread recipe | Chocolate Chip Banana Bread | Cinnamon Streusel | #breakfast #bananabread #easyrecipes | theMRSingLink


Brown Sugar Cinnamon Streusel Chocolate Chip Banana Bread | Banana Bread Recipes | Easy Breakfast Recipes | Perfect recipes for leftovers | On the go breakfast recipes | easiest banana bread recipe | One bowl banana bread recipe | Chocolate Chip Banana Bread | Cinnamon Streusel | #breakfast #bananabread #easyrecipes | theMRSingLink Brown Sugar Cinnamon Streusel Chocolate Chip Banana Bread | Banana Bread Recipes | Easy Breakfast Recipes | Perfect recipes for leftovers | On the go breakfast recipes | easiest banana bread recipe | One bowl banana bread recipe | Chocolate Chip Banana Bread | Cinnamon Streusel | #breakfast #bananabread #easyrecipes | theMRSingLink

Brown Sugar Cinnamon Streusel Chocolate Chip Banana Bread | Banana Bread Recipes | Easy Breakfast Recipes | Perfect recipes for leftovers | On the go breakfast recipes | easiest banana bread recipe | One bowl banana bread recipe | Chocolate Chip Banana Bread | Cinnamon Streusel | #breakfast #bananabread #easyrecipes | theMRSingLink

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