3 Reasons I Follow The Fresh Produce Movement [And you should, too!]

This post was sponsored by Fresh From Florida as part of an Influencer Activation for Influence Central, however all opinions expressed are my own. 

Born and raised, Florida has been my home since. I mean – honestly – why would I ever want to leave? If the beaches aren’t enough to keep my feet planted in the sand, then it’s community. Our small businesses, ornate small towns and ever-growing local farms. When most people think of Florida – they think Disney World, or white sandy beaches. While they’re not wrong, I’ve watched over my lifetime the pine, cypress and palmetto trees growing overhead, the flat acres of farmland stretch across from north, south, east and west, and our small, tight-knit towns flooded with citizens wanting a taste of this year-round pristine climate.

Right now, I live less than 2 miles of three different grocery stores: Publix, Walmart Market and The Fresh Market. Out of curiosity, I visited them all. Without much surprise, I was easily able to find the freshest, in-season produce from Fresh From Florida.

  • Strawberries
  • Cabbage
  • Mushrooms
  • Radish
  • Snap Beans
  • Tomatoes
  • & Bell Peppers

Florida farms have made it noticeably easy to purchase fresh, local produce. As I stood in line, I pondered, “Why would anyone want it any other way?” I realized the importance and impact of the Follow The Fresh produce movement and buying local produce as a native Floridian. And not just because it’s easily available. 

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3 reasons i

follow the fresh

produce movement

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supporting my local farms

What better way to help keep our local farms in business and remain undeveloped? They are a business, too, and are in grave competition with agribusiness production. Not only that, but when I buy fresh produce from local Florida farms I know that I am helping build a stronger local community and giving local farmers a thriving chance in today’s economy.

guaranteed peak freshness

Local Florida farmers make it incredibly easy to buy year-round produce – at their peak of freshness. Local produce is picked at peak ripeness, which in my opinion tastes better all around! That means no harsh gasses or chemicals used to preserve the produce – establishing the “farm to table” promise.

Although, I find that the benefit of purchasing produce from your local farms is simply for the seasonal produce. Whether that be strawberries in February, Blueberries in May or Avocados in June. In a way, I feel connected with how our seasons change and operate. Nonetheless, I know that whatever local produce I buy will be what mother earth intended.

preserving the environment by “going green

Speaking of “farm to table“, buying local also cuts down on the transportation of produce. And I’m all about minimizing negative impacts on the planet we thrive to eat from – like pollution! With that, you’re not only “going green” for the environment, but also better nourishing yourself. Because when I buy from local Florida farms, I know that I am buying produce that is minimally processed and grown using sustainable techniques.

For more information on the fresh produce movement visit FreshfromFlorida, or check out FreshFromFlorida Recipes for uniquely inspired dish ideas using fresh in-season produce. Be sure to follow FreshfromFlorida on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram.

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