4 Ingredient Cream Cheese And Black Bean Dip [In Under 4 Minutes!]

I don’t know about you, but I have my days where I refuse to pick up more than a fork or spoon to make my meals. And let’s be real, sometimes we just want our meals to be quick! And I say that while the good ole’ fashion black bean dip you buy in the jar, with chips, clearly isn’t going to cut it, either. But really, if you’re with limited ingredients on hand, here’s an easy option for you. It’s 4 simple ingredients (and some of my favorites combined) – a cream cheese and black bean dip in under 4 minutes!

For as long as I can remember (well, since my 7-7 job 10 years ago), I would experiment making dips during my lunch hour. A PB&J or lunch meat sandwich – forget it – I needed more options. Let me tell you – I went a bit crazy, too. From leftover beef taco dips, to sweet and spicy tuna dips – I made them all!

Now, the result may not look appetizing, to say the least, but I swear by the flavor. I add half an onion and artichoke for extra texture and flavor, but ultimately, if you wanted to only use salsa and cream cheese – you’re already at a great start to a tasty, unique dip! It’s the perfect quick party dip (when you’re scavenging through your pantry), side item to taco Tuesdays or a unique lunch option.

4 Ingredient Cream Cheese And Black Bean Dip [In Under 4 Minutes!] | Quick and easy lunch recipes in minutes | The best dips with the fewest ingredients | Best dips for any party or gathering | Shop at #aldi for the best ingredients to make simple recipes | Easy lunch recipes | #recipes #diprecipes #partyrecipes | Black bean dips | Recipes with cream cheese and artichokes | theMRSingLink
4 Ingredient Cream Cheese And Black Bean Dip [In Under 4 Minutes!] | Quick and easy lunch recipes in minutes | The best dips with the fewest ingredients | Best dips for any party or gathering | Shop at #aldi for the best ingredients to make simple recipes | Easy lunch recipes | #recipes #diprecipes #partyrecipes | Black bean dips | Recipes with cream cheese and artichokes | theMRSingLink


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4 Ingredient Cream Cheese And Black Bean Dip [In Under 4 Minutes!] | Quick and easy lunch recipes in minutes | The best dips with the fewest ingredients | Best dips for any party or gathering | Shop at #aldi for the best ingredients to make simple recipes | Easy lunch recipes | #recipes #diprecipes #partyrecipes | Black bean dips | Recipes with cream cheese and artichokes | theMRSingLink
4 Ingredient Cream Cheese And Black Bean Dip [In Under 4 Minutes!] | Quick and easy lunch recipes in minutes | The best dips with the fewest ingredients | Best dips for any party or gathering | Shop at #aldi for the best ingredients to make simple recipes | Easy lunch recipes | #recipes #diprecipes #partyrecipes | Black bean dips | Recipes with cream cheese and artichokes | theMRSingLink
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