3 Ways To Power Through A Never-Ending Work Week

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We’ve all had them – the work days that just keep piling on, and those draining never-ending work weeks. I know I’ve had my fair share of work weeks that seemed to run together. My weekends would be abolished by spending that time simply catching up on the next phase of work in my life – at home. I couldn’t keep up, or I gave up on certain priorities in order to maintain others. I was physically and mentally exhausted, and I would consistently burn myself out to the core – only to realize it was Monday in the blink of an eye.

Not to mention, I was miserable in the process. The work that I loved doing – I couldn’t stand any longer – and all the things I was able to juggle in my younger years I was no longer capable of. It is what it is – hard work can take a toll on our bodies, and mind. But in the end we have to keep on keeping on in the game of Life, with these 3 ways to help us power through a never-ending work week.

3 ways to power through

a never-ending work week


Be sure to take a break, or mini breaks

Because we all know the definition of a workaholic – they never stop working, period. But unfortunately, that is a sure-fire way to burn yourself out in the end. And with that, being less happy and unmotivated usually follows. So it’s important that you set aside a little time for yourself – away from the office, out of the desk chair, in a completely different setting or environment, and allowing your body and mind to take a rest.

If that is a struggle for you – set an alarm, and schedule that time at the same time every day. Or take mini breaks throughout your day (up to 3-4 times for 10-15 minutes is all you need), because if you don’t then you likely never will. And you’re twice as likely to burn yourself out.

Find that light at the end of the tunnel

Whatever that be – a long-awaited relaxing weekend of doing absolutely nothing, a Saturday night out, binge watching your favorite show, making dinner plans with friends or counting down to that husky payout you’ve been waiting for. Having something to look forward to in the end, big or small, is a great motivator to help push you through a never-ending work week.

I know there were times I didn’t have something, anything, to reward myself with following a stressful work week. In the end, my weekends were spent as my catch-up (the entire weekend was a Sunday, and not a funday Sunday). Treat yourself – enjoy something non-work related – so you return on Monday feeling refreshed and revitalized for a new week.

Help support your brain power

In order to successfully make it through a long work week, it requires utilizing every ounce of brain power you’ve got. And honestly, if we did utilize the most out of our cognitive performance, we essentially wouldn’t have never-ending work weeks. Yet our work is never truly finished, is it?

And if you’re like me I struggle with maintaining focus and clarity through a long work week, let alone work day, which in turn makes me anxious about getting my workload done in a timely manner. Times that by 5, 6 and sometimes 7 days!  So I start every morning off giving my mind the support it needs with BrainGear.

This performance formula is packed with 1,845mg of brain-supporting ingredients that feed your cognitive powers – like focus, clarity and concentration. Doctor-recommended, using BrainGear has long-term benefits over time (within 4-6 days of consistent use) such as long-term cognitive support, including memory support, restful sleep and mood stability. Plus, the formula is safe, and recommended, to use on a daily basis and is in 100% compliance with the provisions of the Dietary Supplement and Education Act as regulated by the FDA.

3 Ways To Power Through A Never-Ending Work Week | #sponsored | #BrainGear | Regain focus and clarity | Improve memory and mood stability | Promote better quality sleep and wake refreshed | Brain power supplement | Mind power enhancement to get you through the work week | #brainpower #betteryou | theMRSingLink

With its 13 non-caffeine/stimulant based ingredients, BrainGear is clinically proven to promote and support brain function and performance. The only caffeine content comes from green tea extract, which acts as an antioxidant, and actually has less caffeine than ½ a cup of green tea. I know what you’re thinking – crazy, right? I call it my morning magic. It’s smooth pineapple mango flavor is a good kick in the morning (best fresh out of the fridge!), and when taken on an empty stomach I attain the benefits almost immediately. 

Within minutes, I feel in the zone as I work, while my clarity is clearer and focus is fine-tuned – with zero jittery side-effects. Think of it as like all the ingredients working together to keep my brain running on all cylinders. Now that’s what utilizing your brain-power looks like!

And I’ll be honest, I’m usually an uptight Miss Cranky-Pants without my usual pick-me-up, but I have also noticed a 180 in my overall mood stability throughout the day. That alone would be enough to get me through a crazy work week! BrainGear helps you remember, find your words, and feel calm yet focused. So I’m less forgetful (as before I would frequently lose track on even what day it is), I stay on task (without allowing distractions to deter my focus) and I am actually able to get a lot more done in my day in less time. That’s a big win in my book!

3 Ways To Power Through A Never-Ending Work Week | #sponsored | #BrainGear | Regain focus and clarity | Improve memory and mood stability | Promote better quality sleep and wake refreshed | Brain power supplement | Mind power enhancement to get you through the work week | #brainpower #betteryou | theMRSingLink

3 Ways To Power Through A Never-Ending Work Week | #sponsored | #BrainGear | Regain focus and clarity | Improve memory and mood stability | Promote better quality sleep and wake refreshed | Brain power supplement | Mind power enhancement to get you through the work week | #brainpower #betteryou | theMRSingLink

Best of all, it doesn’t have any after-effects when it comes to falling asleep (which is already another problem for me during a stressful work week). BrainGear supports a restful night sleep. In just a matter of days, I am able to sleep entirely through the night, and am having more prominent and vivid dreams (which is a good sign since that is the deepest stage of REM). Besides, getting through a never-ending work week not only requires sufficient brain-power, but also getting a good night sleep and enough of it.

That being said, I can take BrainGear daily (though, if I miss a day or two – all is OK in the world), and the more consistent I take it, the longer lasting and improvement of it’s benefits I’ll have. So when you purchase BrainGear, get 15% off using this coupon code: gearup7

For more information and testimonials on BrainGear, and it’s product, be sure to check out information on their official website.

I was selected for this opportunity as a member of CLEVER and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.


3 Ways To Power Through A Never-Ending Work Week | #sponsored | #BrainGear | Regain focus and clarity | Improve memory and mood stability | Promote better quality sleep and wake refreshed | Brain power supplement | Mind power enhancement to get you through the work week | #brainpower #betteryou #AccessMore #CLVR | theMRSingLink
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