*DO FIRST* Place your treat molds on a baking sheet. If you're using a silicone mold, these are flimsy, so picking them up once the mixture is poured makes a huge mess when placing into the fridge.
Start by rinsing your fresh parsley and mint - you want to get rid of any possible dirt, bugs, residue or chemicals.
You will need to heat up the cup of coconut oil to a liquid, either in a double boiler or in the microwave. Make sure to use a glass bowl!
Finely chop your parsley and mint either by hand or in a processor. *Referring to the advised amounts (since you should avoid excessively giving your dog parsley), use 1/4 cup unprocessed parsley spread out into 16-20 individual treats (to give your dog a few times a week).
Add the chopped herbs to the liquid coconut oil and mix thoroughly.
Using your treat molds, use a measuring spoon to scoop out the liquid. The herbs are likely to sink to the bottom, so you may have to judge how much is going into each mold (I use the teaspoon since I have a 16-pound dog). *You could even pour in the coconut oil first, then sprinkle the herbs on top, as they will eventually be absorbed.
Let your molds sit in the fridge for about 30 minutes until they have rehardened before giving to your dog, and continue to store the treats in the fridge.
*If your molds seem to hold more than 1 tablespoon individually, for dogs under 20 pounds you can cut the treat in half to give daily, or give a whole treat two or three times weekly.
And, obviously, watch your dog devour these in happiness as they freshen their breath!