trust issues

Relationship-care is also self-care [9 examples]

I’m not afraid to admit it – as a married woman, relationship-care and self-care are congruently interconnected. Relationship-care is also self-care, yet why is this statement so combative? That’s a personal question to ask and unpack yourself. Putting effort into and towards my marriage ultimately makes me *feel good*, as it should! The same way […]

Relationship-care is also self-care [9 examples] Read More »

Your relationship needs social media boundaries now more than ever

People care more about protecting their socials, devices, and their digital world than their relationship, and it shows. Your significant other (SO) deserves respect on and off social media AND your devices. Why is this bold statement so triggering today? Ask yourself, honestly, “Who gets your attention first/most? Who gets the “best” of you? Your

Your relationship needs social media boundaries now more than ever Read More »

Transparency is the REAL couple’s goals

We can’t deny this is true, that we (at least, in America and probably most European nations) live in this increasing “new-age” of hyper-independence. And this is reflected in many aspects of our lives – through our lifestyle [habits, commitments, priorities], ideology [thinking, beliefs], upbringing [conditioning], career, relationships, and even how we simply treat others

Transparency is the REAL couple’s goals Read More »