relationship advice

25+ Things to say to an anxious attached partner (that actually help)

Those who actually read this post are most likely to have an anxious attachment style (not to be confused with the fearful avoidant attachment). Because, alas, I find that it’s the anxiously attached partners who are also more likely to seek out answers and resources. If you aren’t that partner, then I hope this can

25+ Things to say to an anxious attached partner (that actually help) Read More »

Dear men, the relationship isn’t improving – she’s moved on

I notice this quite a bit – men who genuinely believe their relationship is *improving* when actually it’s the opposite. She’s moved on, like done-zo – checked out of the relationship. I don’t totally understand men’s logic on this one (granted, women share this, too, just *different*) but I imagine it’s simply because the arguing,

Dear men, the relationship isn’t improving – she’s moved on Read More »

Love vs. Attachment in relationships – what you need to know

Did you know you form an attachment style early in childhood? In fact, there are multiple forms of attachment (healthy and unhealthy), but that’s not where I’m going with this post. And while attachment and Love are fairly interconnected (especially in relationships today), they are actually distinctly different and often confused. THAT’S what I want

Love vs. Attachment in relationships – what you need to know Read More »