marriage advice

25+ Things to say to an anxious attached partner (that actually help)

Those who actually read this post are most likely to have an anxious attachment style (not to be confused with the fearful avoidant attachment). Because, alas, I find that it’s the anxiously attached partners who are also more likely to seek out answers and resources. If you aren’t that partner, then I hope this can […]

25+ Things to say to an anxious attached partner (that actually help) Read More »

We know each other’s passwords [Our marriage has no secrets!]

**PSA: There’s a way to be transparent about your digital privacy while also maintaining respect for that privacy. You CAN respect both ways – shocking, I know. I’m about to get real. If you’re in a serious, committed relationship (like marriage) then nothing is secretive or on lockdown from your partner – sorry, not sorry.

We know each other’s passwords [Our marriage has no secrets!] Read More »