20+ FUN and FREE first date ideas without being “cheap”

I don’t know about you but I sense a shift in the way dating works lately, especially post 2020. As if dating in itself isn’t already the same, first dates have also changed. Cost, activity, location, and time among a few things. These days I’m starting to notice a trend where first dates have become a bit more for being a first date – meaning, the expectations are rather high. And there’s starting to be some pushback regarding this, on both sides. So I came up with a list of fun and free first date ideas…without being considered “cheap”.

In turn, maybe the hype of elaborate, chemistry-focused, and unrealistic first dates will eventually be another passing trend. Personally, those grand-gestured, over-the-top first dates are extremely overrated in today’s online modern dating world, though maybe that’s just it – since online dating is just *too easy*, people have upped the ante when it comes to that first face-to-face date. And, partly, I do understand.

Most individuals are spending more time exchanging messages, texts, snaps, pictures, facetime or whatever else prior to actually setting that first date. Therefore, first dates – IMO – have evolved in their meaning. A first date isn’t classified as the meeting where you first get to know someone – we likely know all the fine, important details beforehand, which is fine! But what happens when that romantic connection is already discovered and established prior to meeting for the first time? Isn’t it safe to say we would have a bit higher standard for that first date than, say, on a friendship or acquaintance level?

Either way, it’s time to set certain fantasy-like expectations aside and focus on what really matters when finding a connection. PSA: dating in itself is an investment, meaning you go in knowing you risk not getting what you hoped, or getting nothing in return.*

20+ FUN and FREE first date ideas without being "cheap" | As if dating in itself isn't already the same, first dates have also changed. Cost, activity, location, and time among a few things. These days I'm starting to notice a trend where first dates have become a bit more for being a first date - meaning, the expectations are rather high.

20+ FUN and FREE first date ideas without being “cheap”

These are FIRST DATE ideas, but can be implemented as ongoing date ideas as well. Also, keep in mind that I do my best to accompany a multitude of areas people live and what they have to offer. **Be sure to stay connected to any of your local community’s announcements for day/night hot spots, events, showings or discounted/free offers!**

  • * = these date ideas are also digital-friendly!

FREE ideas – no, not cheap.

  • A walk in your community park, nature trail or state park; whichever you’re comfortable doing.
  • Stroll down a city center; like one of those “old town districts” with shops.
  • *Have a digital happy hour over Zoom; spice it up a bit – get out of your PJs and dress up.
  • Go fishing, feed the ducks or hang at your local dog park (i.e., bring your pooches!) – just pick a public spot, bring some snacks and enjoy one another’s company.
  • A movie on the lawn; unless common in your area, these are something you would plan out well in advance.
  • Toss, throw, or kick a ball around at the park, or do a “workout” together (i.e., go for a run); perfect for the fitness and sports fanatics.
  • Go volunteer somewhere together; the soup kitchen, humane society, etc.
  • Go to the beach (if this is “free” where you are); this isn’t that weird, plus you can make it just as fun as anything else. *You don’t even have to go in a bathing suit to enjoy the sun and sand!
  • Walk through your community garden; some of these are free or may ask for a small donation.
  • Walk around your local farmer’s market, county fair, community art/craft show, or the like; if these options are available. *These generally don’t have admission and can be free!
  • Check out a local museum or art gallery; if these are available. *Many of these offer free days, and most small art galleries are free to walk through!
  • *Play a digital game together (i.e., heads up, words with friends); make it interesting with 20 questions – i.e., loser has to dish an embarrassing moment.

CREATIVE ideas with $20 or less – no, still not cheap.

  • Picnic at the park; make the effort to include finer details like music, champagne, a fun little “get to know one another better” game, dessert, etc.
  • Grab some ice cream; or any suitable dessert, for that matter.
  • DIY paint day/night; choose a cool public spot, grab a few simple art supplies (brush, canvas, paints, water), maybe a bottle of wine and get creative together.
  • Do a beer/wine tasting; if the option is available. *The idea is not to treat this scenario as you would going to a bar.
  • Get coffee/tea; even if that means To-Go, then take a walk.
  • Go to a U-pick patch; enjoy the time together picking your own berries/fruits and the other amenities these patches offer.
  • Take an outdoor fitness/yoga class; some of these actually offer ‘free to try a class’.
The Dating Manual | A workbook guide for women on finding Love, commitment and a healthy relationship | theMRSingLink LLC
The Dating Manual created by theMRSingLink

Ideas WITHIN RESPECTABLE MEANS that are, again, not the cheap way out.

  • Do a paint, pottery, cooking, or other instructional class; if these options are available. *Sometimes these have discounted days/groupons!
  • Go to a local aquarium, zoo, or science center; if these options are available. *You can check if they offer discounted/free days or times!
  • Try a cuisine you both have never had; (or get To-Go and turn it into a public picnic) – this offers an opportunity to try something new together right off the bat.
  • Rent a canoe/kayak; somewhere that is very public, like a local spring or public lake.
  • Minigolf, ziplining, or a hot air balloon ride; how adventurous are you willing to be for Love is the question?
  • Hit up the driving range/batting cages; perfect for the sports fanatics.
  • *Have a digital dinner date; buy/send each other a surprise meal through uber-eats and enjoy together over Skype/Zoom.
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