Natural DIY Makeup Foundation [It’s Cheaper + Good For Your Skin]

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DISCLAIMER: This foundation tutorial is NOT medium or full coverage. This foundation is a build-able sheen/light coverage (similar to a tinted moisturizer). If you are looking for medium or full coverage – this tutorial is not going to cut it.

Many have inquired and commented how this tutorial is short of nothing compared to light coverage over-the-counter makeup.

Clearly the point of this DIY has been missed – even though the only fact that is true is, yes, this makeup is a light coverage makeup.

The point of this post, and tutorial, is to promote how incredibly easy it is to make your own foundation – especially if you are one who doesn’t wear a lot of makeup, has sensitivities to makeup, wanting something more natural-based and healthy for your skin, or isn’t looking to pay the high price.

This is an all natural recipe – meaning, no toxins, fillers or preservative nonsense that can be found in professional and over-the-counter makeup foundation.

Also, if you have really stubborn skin – like mine – piling on makeup isn’t just going to fix the problem underneath. The makeup on your infected areas will only get worse and your skin never really has time to heal on and under the surface.

Over the years I have changed the way I wear makeup – significantly. I used to not be able to walk out the front door (even to the grocery store) without primer, concealer, liquid foundation and powder and a setting spray. Even the times when I ran errands for only a few hours – I had to have makeup on. And truly, I had no reason to wear it – now I look back and cringe at the fact my complexion was flawless (compared to now).

By the time I reached my mid twenties, I realized: who am I trying to impress – other than myself? Even then I surely wasn’t impressing myself wasting 30 minutes per day trying to cover whatever imperfections I had, and $$$ going to waste when it didn’t need to be. Plus, it made me feel worse – like I was trying to mask over naturally what I was given. I had taken advantage of the beautiful skin I had in my teens and early twenties. I never appreciated how good I actually looked without makeup – now my face and skin is reaping the consequences.

Thank you, Rosacea and hyperpigmentation.

And mind you, I would buy high quality makeup – Mac, BareMinerals, and Bare Essentials. I never put drug store brands on my face, nor did they do anything more for me compared to the quality of professional brands. I used less  makeup and spent less money that way in the long run.

If you love makeup, and have this undeniable passion for it – by all means, keep carrying on!

If you are someone looking for a cheaper-in-the-long-run and natural alternative to makeup, then this might be for you! I was just never one with that passion – makeup gave me this mindset that I had to wear it in order to look beautiful. Not good – I knew I had to change that mindset around fast.

Now I hardly ever wear makeup (I have a special Mac foundation I keep to use on special occasions).

I feel this is the only thing left I can do to save face, literally – to give my face some healing time and breathing room as I near the drastic every-7-year change in my late twenties. I don’t wear makeup anymore when I go to the store or run errands – instead, I slap on this DIY foundation powder and I’m out the door without care. All it takes is a handful of ingredients, patience when mixing for the right color and there you have yourself months – if not years worth – of perfectly healthy sheen foundation that is actually good for your skin.

DIY Makeup Foundation [It's Cheaper + Good For Your Skin] | All natural DIY makeup foundation that is actually good for your skin | Light coverage diy makeup foundation | Homemade makeup with natural ingredients | How to create your own makeup powder | Natural Ingredient Makeup | DIY Makeup | Skin Care Tips | How to create your own makeup foundation powder | #makeup #DIY #beauty #naturalbeauty | theMRSingLink

Ingredients you will need:

Arrow Root:

This is your base powder. It is a starch, which will add a thickness to your foundation powder, especially if you were to add water or oil to the powder to make a liquid foundation.

Zinc Oxide:

This magical powder is actually what they use in sunscreen, so what better way to add sun protection to a face foundation. You don’t find this is too many brand name makeup.

Cacao Powder:

Yes, ladies, chocolate. This powder can improve your memory, increase your bliss, reduce heart disease, shed fat, boost immunity, and create loads of energy – if you take it orally. But this is for color. Now, you won’t just be using cacao powder as your sole color source, because nobody’s face is just one brown color! But it also protects against UV rays that cause cancer and is known for improving hydration and circulation in the skin, and it smells amazing on your face!

So wear it and eat as you will – the pouch version is huge!

Ginger, Cinnamon, & Nutmeg:

These are different sources of color with orange, yellow and gold pigments in the skin.

Lavender Tea Tree Oil:

Lavender is a calming agent and scent, and joined with Tea Tree Oil which is good for your skin complexion.

Vitamin E Oil:

Vitamin E is good for almost all things, especially your skin in need of repairing, hydration and reducing redness.

DIY Makeup Foundation [It's Cheaper + Good For Your Skin] | All natural DIY makeup foundation that is actually good for your skin | Light coverage diy makeup foundation | Homemade makeup with natural ingredients | How to create your own makeup powder | Natural Ingredient Makeup | DIY Makeup | Skin Care Tips | How to create your own makeup foundation powder | #makeup #DIY #beauty #naturalbeauty | theMRSingLink

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If your skin is an olive-like tone, like mine, you may need something a little extra to get that olive pigment. I use Aztec Secret Indian Healing Clay. This is technically a face mask – one that you would add water to create a paste and allow to sit and dry on your face. But you can also use this as a powder, too. It contains Bentonite, which absorbs excess oil from the skin, without drying you out.

I know you’re probably thinking you’re going to be spending a fortune in bulk, but trust me – spending $50 on these ingredients will last you (until the ingredients expiration date, so keep that in mind). Now you’re probably wondering, “I got all the products – how do I mix all of this together, and what first?

Below I have prepared a video tutorial for you that starts with the basics of where to start, how much to use to start and how to adjust the ingredients for your perfect match. It’s very much trial and error, but it’s fairly easy to do! I also have given you an application video – showing you the subtle difference in my skin with using the foundation.

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How To Create Makeup Foundation Powder:

DIY Makeup Foundation application:

All Natural DIY Foundation Makeup Tutorial
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