Simple DIY Cinder Block Outdoor Bench Under $100

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I had been waiting for something to come around that I thought would be a great idea to spruce up our outdoor living space by the pool. We tend to throw a lot of pool parties, or backyard gatherings throughout the year. And although we have an outdoor table and chair set – it just wasn’t doing it for me. And when you’re looking for outdoor furniture, the first thing you tend to notice is the price tag. It’s for outdoors – why should it be that expensive?ย So I dragged my husband to Home Depot to help me make this adorable DIY cinder block outdoor bench.

Best of all – everything for under $100! Yes, it’s a rather interesting set up without the bells and whistles, but that’s what we were going for to begin with. Thanks toย some outdoor cushions and pillows, the bench really comes together for a simple outdoor seating arrangement! Over a year later, this baby has held up through hurricane Harvey AND Irma and has yet to wear and tear.

Simple DIY Cinder Block Outdoor Bench Under $100 | DIY Projects | DIY Home Decor | DIY Outdoor Decor | DIY Home Improvements | DIY Bench | theMRSingLink


DIY Cinder Block

Outdoor Bench Under $100

With just the bare bones of the bench we spent no more than $30, so yes the price was merely accountable for the dressing up of the bench – but you could even do without all that. A little paint and you have yourself a sturdy, manageable outdoor seating bench!

Here is a list of the materials needed to create the bench:

10 double holed cement cinder blocks (at Lowe’s or Home Depot)

3 pressure treated 3x5x8 decorative wood (you can also use 4×4)

Cement Glue

Your choice of color paint (or no paint!)

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This bench was so simple to make, and design wise it is ultimately up to you. We could have purchased 2 more cinder blocks and 2 more pieces of wood to create a back rest. We figured for now without one will do and we can always add it later if we wanted.

With the 3x5x8, we knew we would have a bench roughly 6-7 feet long. So you first need to decide how long you want your bench to be and go from there with the length of your wood.

Step-by-step image setup:

Simple DIY Cinder Block Outdoor Bench Under $100 | DIY Projects | DIY Home Decor | DIY Outdoor Decor | DIY Home Improvements | DIY Bench | theMRSingLink

Simple DIY Cinder Block Outdoor Bench Under $100 | DIY Projects | DIY Home Decor | DIY Outdoor Decor | DIY Home Improvements | DIY Bench | theMRSingLink

Simple DIY Cinder Block Outdoor Bench Under $100 | DIY Projects | DIY Home Decor | DIY Outdoor Decor | DIY Home Improvements | DIY Bench | theMRSingLink

Simple DIY Cinder Block Outdoor Bench Under $100 | DIY Projects | DIY Home Decor | DIY Outdoor Decor | DIY Home Improvements | DIY Bench | theMRSingLink

And yes, without a little paint it does look a bit frumpy and sort of thrown together, but it works! I went out and bought some white paint for the cinder blocks, and we decided to splurge a little and get weather resistant cushions and pillows to dress it up. If you have an Old Time Pottery in your area, that is where I purchased all of my outdoor cushions – each item under $10! All of which in total spending roughly $100 to make this outdoor bench, versusย hundredsย for what you would normally pay – and everything you see is naturally weather, sun and fade resistant.

Simple DIY Cinder Block Outdoor Bench Under $100 | DIY Projects | DIY Home Decor | DIY Outdoor Decor | DIY Home Improvements | DIY Bench | theMRSingLink

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Simple DIY Cinder Block Outdoor Bench Under $100 | DIY Projects | DIY Home Decor | DIY Outdoor Decor | DIY Home Improvements | DIY Bench | theMRSingLink

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