
Feel free to get in touch with me in regards to questions, feedback or more information.

I will usually get back in touch within 24 hours!

If you are contacting me for specifics, such as:

Guest posts: Send me your pitch! Tell me your post idea and why your article would make a good fit for my readers. The desired article needs to be at least 500 words (unless it is a recipe or round-up related). I will not accept any guest posts unrelated to the Lifestyle or relationships niche.

Sponsored content: I’m excited to collaborate on unique content and ideas, especially within life and love improvement. It’s important to have my reader’s best interest at heart, meaning all sponsored content be original, authentic and informative, as well as through brands that I personally love and trust.

External linking/Round-up usage: I approve of back links as long as you credit theMRSingLink (you do not need to contact me unless you desire), but anything else irrelevant needs to be approved by contacting me through E-mail.
