Category: Personal Growth

  • Love bombing in friendship is a real thing, and this is what it looks like

    Love bombing in friendship is a real thing, and this is what it looks like

    Yes, Love bombing in friendship does exist – it’s a real thing! We didn’t think that was solely applied to dating, did we? All relationship types can experience Love bombing, even familial ones, not just romantic relationships. That leads us to question what exactly this may look like, and whether or not it differs from…

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  • Can a toxic friendship be repaired?

    Can a toxic friendship be repaired?

    Can an unhealthy or toxic friendship be fixed? The short answer is yes, of course it can. But I can’t just leave it at that, because that answer doesn’t account for what fixing or repairing entails. So the long answer is that, ultimately, it depends. It’s important to note that this post doesn’t necessarily unpack…

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  • 5 Ways to detox in a day that can change your life

    5 Ways to detox in a day that can change your life

    And these are ones anyone can do! Sure, while 24 hours is next to nothing for some, for many, building healthy habits require making small, incremental changes. Lo and behold, small changes can have a dramatic impact! So, a 24-hour detox can be life-changing. It’s a good starting place as any. *And by all means,…

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  • 4 Signs they are not your friend – they want fans

    4 Signs they are not your friend – they want fans

    In a culture where our social connections are increasingly or mostly derived from the online world, finding real, true friends is difficult. It has made friendship more complicated, especially in adulthood. In a more modern, tech-at-our-fingertips-based social environment where we crave instant, limitless connectivity, there are signs they are not your friend… because they only…

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  • How to spot a frenemy (fake friend) in your life

    How to spot a frenemy (fake friend) in your life

    Do you have a fake friend (or also known as a ‘frenemy’) in your life? What I mean is…that friend who pretends or appears to be genuine on the outside when really they’re actually quite parasitic. Again, seemingly harmless on the outside but can actually be doing unforeseen and unexpected damage. There are some pretty…

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