Category: Recipes
Better than store bought – 4 Ingredient Tortilla Wrap recipe from scratch
DO. NOT. WAIT. I’m telling you right now that homemade tortillas stomp the living daylights out of storebought wraps. Throw away those Mission, La Banderitas, and Guerreo tortillas for good, because I can PROMISE you won’t miss them once you make fresh, homemade tortillas. You’re probably thinking, “Too much time, too much effort.” Listen, you…
A sandwich bread recipe so easy you’ll quit store-bought!
Listennnnnnnnnn, MOST store-bought bread is absolutely atrocious! Not only are they filled with ingredients that have no business being in food to begin with (like conditioners [?!] to make bread soft and pillowy) but they’re downright terrible for you. I knew I had to quit store-bought after seeing the additives, processing aids and emulsifiers being…
Florida Lobster pasta with key lime butter sauce
These may have been fresh and personally hand-caught, but right now Lobster is in season here in Florida (or wherever you can get it). And I’m all about making Florida lobster pasta (Lobsta Pasta, lol) when I can get my hands on fresh bugs. Yes, their technically bugs of the sea! Listen, I won’t debate…
Ramekin caramel apple dump cake
In need of a quick, simple dessert without all the hassle of making an entire dish for 10+? I got you with this caramel apple dump cake, but you’re going to need ramekins. It’s a purchase you won’t regret if you’re big on making single-serving or recipes for two. This recipe is the perfect fall…
No bake peanut butter pudding pie with hazelnut
When it comes to Holiday pies, I am not a pumpkin fan…like at all. The fruiter or chocolate-ier the better for me, so I did a bit of experimenting with another underrated Holiday classic: the peanut butter pie. But this is a no bake peanut butter pudding pie featuring hazelnut and an Oreo crust. Secret…