Category: Love
8 Lies about Love society has made you to believe
And I’m talking about Love in truth, not this version of Love from culture, or “man” (society). Because the “Love” that society has curated and pushed is not only destructive but normalized. Part of me almost wants to say that we aren’t actually equipped to handle what real Love means because subsequently…we’d crumble to dust.…
Has Hookup Culture replaced Dating Culture?
Dating today – has it been replaced, or destroyed, by Hookup Culture? It seems as if dating is now the black sheep, the outcast, and plagued to the point of unrecognition. It is is also seemingly undesirable and, to many, impossible. Personally I think Hookup Culture is much to blame. Sure, not everyone bows down…
5 Spontaneous ways to keep marriage HOT
*Tssssttttt <- I was going for that sizzle sound, there. Anyway, if you feel like you’ve hit a roadblock in the marriage *romance* department and it has become seemly difficult to reignite the fire in your bellies for one another, or just to keep it lit, then this post is for you. Whatever side street…
7 Subtle ways relationship trust can be broken or lost
We all know by now that trust is the easiest to lose, and the hardest to regain. And in relationships trust is easily and most obviously broken by things like deceit (lying, dishonesty, secrecy) and infidelity (cheating, disloyalty), but what about the not-so -obvious? The subtle ways trust can be lost or broken in relationships…
Why women find the bad boy type so irresistibly attractive
Many women tend to fall for the “bad boy” – you might also label this type as “the a**holes”. They’re the type we know is trouble or bad news bears. Many would even argue that they attract this type, let alone gravitate to them. So if women know the [likely] “negative” repercussions surrounding this type,…