Category: Love
Girlies, getting your life together can ALSO mean..
To all my girlies, besties, ladies out there – if you’re on the “getting my life together” train, I want you to remember something! This looks different for everybody, and a lot of it depends on whether you’re following what’s mainstream. In a world full of influencers, getting your life together tends to focus heavily…
25+ Romantic Christmas Traditions For Couples
I love Christmas, but I will admit I have a very different kind of love for the season and its traditions, especially now that I am married. And I think it’s important for couples to acknowledge the likelihood of change around the Holiday season. This includes including your spouse when it comes to favorite pastimes…
5 Affirmations Single Women Need To Hear MORE
You know what I noticed? The number of articles out there that cater to single women…looking for a relationship. From tips to feeling less lonely to the very things a single woman probabbbbbbly doesn’t care to hear. The list goes on and on and on. Lawd, though – single women don’t want to be told…
3 Ways he will SHOW you he likes you after a first date
The key word here is *after* a first date. That means you’ve said your good-byes and parted ways. And if he likes you there are certainly ways he will SHOW you. Fankly, these three are likely ones you’ve already heard before, but maybe my in-depth take will highlight something *new* for you. I believe, after…
3 Ways to find a man after your heart, not a body count (sex)
Or, for those who may need better clarity, here’s to detecting the guy who’s only in it for the sex. But more importantly, the ways to find a man after your heart, not a body count. Still, sometimes it’s much easier to find Waldo in villain form first, so that’s the focus here. This post…