Category: Love

  • Why you need to stop desperately looking for a relationship

    Why you need to stop desperately looking for a relationship

    It’s always when you’re not looking that it appears, am I right? So….moral of the story: stop looking [Desperate Singles Seeking Relationships Edition]. But you’ve been told that for God knows how long and how many times, I’m sure. Maybe you’ve been “Independent” for a while, and are tirelessly looking for that perfect team-player, companionship,…

  • I met my husband through online dating – you can find Love, too

    I met my husband through online dating – you can find Love, too

    I met my husband online back in 2012. Hold up – don’t leave just yet. A lot has changed with online dating since then – I am well aware – but not everything. Do you know how long it took me before I found my Mr. Right? Do you know how many dates I went…

  • 25 Relationship building date ideas for couples

    25 Relationship building date ideas for couples

    Sometimes the most overlooked part of being a couple is coming up with relationship building date ideas that will deepen your connection without sacrificing the fun. There are ways to have both all while enjoying one another’s company and keeping the romance alive! This is the time to open up on life, and a life…

  • Knockout Crock-Pot Pulled Pork Chili

    Knockout Crock-Pot Pulled Pork Chili

    Connect with me on Twitter, Instagram & Facebook so you don’t miss the latest blog updates! Chili is such a southern staple. And already being a soup lover, chili is just another version of that for me, except meatier. And this knockout crock-pot pulled pork chili is beyond a winner in the chili game. I’m…

  • An Open Letter To My Friends Who Are Now Strangers

    An Open Letter To My Friends Who Are Now Strangers

    Dear Stranger, After many years, my mind is often stricken with, “Why?” For everything. Why did you come into my life knowing it would come to this? It was impossible then, and still difficult to grasp now, that many friendships are meant to be lessons. Why did we become so close if we knew at…