Category: Love
Crispy bbq chicken flatbread + fail-proof dough from scratch
Lately, I’ve been obsessed with making my own dough from scratch. It’s actually easier than you think, without all the extra unnecessary ingredients from storebought or premade. The only thing really missing is, yes, convenience – it does require a bit of your time. Yet I convinced myself that I would never buy the storebought/premade…
14 Signs You Don’t Need A Man In Your Life [Get A Dog, Instead!]
Until I got a dog, I don’t think I actually knew the true meaning of unconditional Love. This pure, utter selflessness I developed for something, and understanding what that meant to me. All I knew is that I would give my entire life for this dog. Granted, at the time I was in a miserable relationship…
Destructive Dating Habits You Need To Eliminate From Your Life
I’m sure we’re all guilty of nasty dating habits, but there are those who find these desperate behaviors hard to shake. What most don’t realize is that these behaviors are what likely break your chances of a meaningful relationship. Coming from someone who is guilty of more than one of these fairly common dating habits,…
Key Reasons Chivalry Is Endangered & How To Change It
Do I think chivalry is dead? No. At times I wonder if it’s just at an infinite downward spiral, or that it has turned into a zombie apocalypse. Chivalry just needs the antidote to bring it back to life again. Now, I could go all in and say that men are becoming lazy in terms…
The steps to BETTER communication with your partner
Both men and women communicate very differently. This is because most women find talking and sharing thoughts, feelings, and emotions as a form of intimacy. While most men, on the other hand, treat communication as a tool for logic, solving problems, or “getting to a point“. Maybe the lightbulb went on – maybe it didn’t. That’s…