Category: Love
If he always leaves you disappointed, it’s time to call it quits
Let me make one thing perfectly clear before you read on: disappointment in relationships is inevitable, so we must learn to brace for impact. Because, inevitably, we’re all bound to make mistakes. But there is a clear difference between a mistake, and an excuse in terms of negative behavior in dating, relationships and even marriage. So…
Brown Sugar Cinnamon Streusel Chocolate Chip Banana Bread
Connect with me on Twitter, Instagram & Facebook so you don’t miss the latest blog updates! Once again, I will let you in on my deadly secret: I’m not a big breakfast fan. Brunch, now that’s a different ball game. My body can’t fathom waking up and eat first thing. But I’ve learned I can’t…
How To Get Your Marriage Out Of A Rut [When It’s Stuck In The Fall Season]
For Christmas, my husband got me a couple books on marriage. Yes, we’re one of those couples. Not because we need the help – we find there is always room for learning and improving in a marriage. Even in our summer season. Speaking of seasons – that’s what one of the books is called, The…
Why Being Married Is AWESOME
We’ve all been there – allowing one bad to outweigh every single good in our marriage. I know I’ve been there – through times when I believed my husband’s priority of the marriage was slipping, when I needed him to be more supportive and accepting of my insecurities and us maintaining the drive we had…