3 Ways to find a man after your heart, not a body count (sex)

Or, for those who may need better clarity, detecting the guy who’s only in it for the sex. ANDDDD, finding a man after, and in it, for your heart, not a body count. Yet sometimes it’s much easier to find Waldo in villain form first, so that’s the focus here. This post may not entirely … Read more

8 Signs of a clingy partner or relationship

It’s no surprise – we’re already quick to label clinginess by its select and stereotypical qualities. But what are some of the brushed-under-the-rug signs of a clingy partner or relationship? You know, the soft spots we’re not really ready to touch on. This isn’t talked about as much, but the damaging effects – IMO – … Read more

5 Questions to ask yourself after a first date if you’re looking for Love

If you’re looking for Love, dating can be hard, especially in a very digital-focused, online-based world. From simply meeting people to actually getting to know them has changed, and not necessarily to a better alternative. Maybe getting a date isn’t the problem – that’s why I came up with five important, self-reflective questions to ask … Read more

15+ DAY DATE ideas that aren’t just *dinner*

It’s becoming almost dreadfully and unbearably easy to resort to the ole’ dinner date these days. Okayyyy, I know, we shouldn’t really complain that much, and for the average couple with many years under their belt that dinner may actually be their escape from reality and just what they need to focus on nothing but … Read more

8 Lies about Love society has made you to believe

And I’m talking about Love in truth, not this version of Love from culture, or “man” (society). Because the “Love” that society has curated and pushed is not only destructive but normalized. Part of me almost wants to say that we aren’t actually equipped to handle what real Love means because subsequently…we’d crumble to dust. … Read more

Why women find the bad boy type so irresistibly attractive

Many women tend to fall for the “bad boy” – you might also label this type as “the a**holes”. They’re the type we know is trouble or bad news bears. Many would even argue that they attract this type, let alone gravitate to them. So if women know the [likely] “negative” repercussions surrounding this type, … Read more

Do you want closure or redemption in a relationship?

Ask yourself the hard, pivotal post-breakup question when it comes to relationships: what does closure mean to me? And really, be frank, don’t hold back. Because that’s what this post is about – figuring out what it can actually mean to want closure, and maybe even closure you didn’t get. The hard truth is, on … Read more

3 Reasons dating is difficult *today* when men are, too

*Today*, dating is difficult, while men are also becoming increasingly difficult to date. So when I say I hope I am not biting off more than I can chew, I’m really hoping these spitfires of little truth bombs won’t end up biting me in the a**. Because, woo-wee, do we have some SOFTIES in the … Read more

When a man respects you, he WANTS you to know..

Sometimes I feel like the meaning of ‘respect’ gets watered down, you know? We pick and choose what suits our definition best (or what resonates most). Like, respect is how we treat others. Or, respect is having high regard or admiration for someone. Or, respect is simply human decency, no matter what. And in regards … Read more

My 50+ online dating success SECRETS

50+ Crucial Pieces Of Online Dating Advice For Single Women | Online Dating Tips For Women | #onlinedating | Dating Tips | theMRSingLink

LBR, online dating is not getting any easier. I met my [now] husband online back in 2012, and here are my 50+ online dating success secrets. Okaaaayyy, I realize that is basically a different era now, and a lot has changed since then, but I am confident that my slew of advice still applies to today. … Read more