
Transparency is the REAL couple’s goals

We can’t deny this is true, that we (at least, in America and probably most European nations) live in this increasing “new-age” of hyper-independence. And this is reflected in many aspects of our lives – through our lifestyle [habits, commitments, priorities], ideology [thinking, beliefs], upbringing [conditioning], career, relationships, and even how we simply treat others

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3 Ways To Connect With Your Spouse [+ 130 Free Re-connection Questions]

I’d be lying if I said I have never felt disconnected from my husband. In fact, I realized it’s often because I am disconnected from myself – *oof*. And the older I get the more I value an emotional and intellectual connection in my marriage. Point blank: it’s not uncommon to feel disconnected from your

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The Silent Killer In Relationships [Yes, In Marriage, Too!]

Why exactly is it called a “silent killer“? For one thing, it’s silence really means concealed and inconspicuous. It’s something we don’t realize is doing harm as it is happening. And most of the time, we don’t take it’s impact on our SO into consideration. Because this silent killer in relationships is about having control – over ourselves.

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