Category: Marriage
Cheating on your partner starts with you, not in the bedroom (30+ examples)
We’re not going to like it but we’re going there. It pains me to even have to say in this day and age…but cheating on your partner doesn’t start in the bedroom! It starts with you. I think we all know this – we’re aware of it – yet we’re hell-bent on supporting our imperfectness…
25+ Romantic Christmas Traditions For Couples
I love Christmas, but I will admit I have a very different kind of love for the season and its traditions, especially now that I am married. And I think it’s important for couples to acknowledge the likelihood of change around the Holiday season. This includes including your spouse when it comes to favorite pastimes…
8 Signs of a clingy partner or relationship
It’s no surprise – we’re already quick to label clinginess by its select and stereotypical qualities. But what are some of the brushed-under-the-rug signs of a clingy partner or relationship? You know, the soft spots we’re not really ready to touch on. This isn’t talked about as much, but the damaging effects – IMO –…
Relationship-care is also self-care [9 examples]
I’m not afraid to admit it – as a married woman, relationship-care and self-care are congruently interconnected. Relationship-care is also self-care, yet why is this statement so combative? That’s a personal question to ask and unpack yourself. Putting effort into and towards my marriage ultimately makes me *feel good*, as it should! The same way…