How to spot a frenemy (fake friend) in your life

How to spot a frenemy (fake friend) in your life | theMRSingLink LLC

Do you have a fake friend (or also known as a ‘frenemy’) in your life? What I mean is…that friend who pretends or appears to be genuine on the outside when really they’re actually quite parasitic. Again, seemingly harmless on the outside but can actually be doing unforeseen and unexpected damage. There are some pretty … Read more

5 Unhealthy social media behaviors that damper real-life connections

Straight up, I hate social media now more than ever. Do I use it? Yes, but I’ve only grown to see how barren, tainted and useless it truly is. I literally only have a FB account for the Marketplace, but if I’m honest, I’m always one click away from deleting every account. While the title … Read more

7 Things that no longer make me feel beautiful

I’m 34 going on 35 this year, and over the last decade my mind has shifted as to what makes me feel beautiful. And in the last handful or so years, I’ve basically done away with the desire to look or feel “sexy” – with the exception of for my husband. I explain a bit … Read more

This is why introverts hate small talk

As if it wasn’t like nails on a chalkboard already, meeting new people and making friends are difficult as well. But above all, introverts hate small talk. Granted, COVID (er, rather, the whole social distancing) brought us introverts a bit of relief, but this in no way means anything has changed at the forefront of … Read more

As an adult with very few friends, less is more

I think I’m onto something with the Less is more wisdom when it comes to friendship. I’m a 30-something adult with very few friends, and quite honestly never been happier. I’ve taken away from friendship over the years that less really is more. And what do I mean by that? For one, quality over quantity. … Read more

This is how you know you’ve got a true friend

How would you describe a true friend? If you spent enough time thinking about it, there’s likely a fairly long list. Frankly, if you asked me 15 years ago, my list would be 10x as long. Now as an adult, my list is as unconventional as it is short. I often remind myself with the … Read more

I’m Turning 30 + I’m Actually Looking Forward To It

I'm Turning 30 + I'm Actually Looking Forward To It | I don't have any "bucket lists" or To-Do-Before-The-Big-30 accomplishments - I'm turning 30...and I'm actually really excited to start a new chapter of my life, and here's why | Age is just a number, so why do we treat 30 as a time of mourning? #realtalk #30thbirthday #30flirtyandthriving | theMRSingLink

I’m probably following the blog bandwagon with this post, but eh – why not? The interesting thing is I come across more bucket lists or To-Do-Before-I’m-30 accomplishment posts that are rather nostalgic than celebratory. I can’t help but feel like turning 30 is that dead end zone of my youth, and that’s not how I want … Read more

7 Things That Are Holding You Back In Life [Let Them Go!]

7 Things That Are Holding You Back In Life [Let Them Go!] | Let go of the negativity that is holding you back in life | Self improvement tips to get rid of toxic negativity | Feel, heal and forgive yourself | Free yourself of the things that keep you from living a life of happiness | #selfimprovement #negativity #freeyourself | theMRSingLink

Every single one of us in life goes through times of imposition. If you didn’t go through struggles you would never learn how to overcome them. Besides, it’s these rough periods in life that help you understand their significance and what you care about the most. But I think it’s fair to admit that we … Read more

When you don’t know yourself anymore in this life, remember..

When You Feel Lost [In Life + About Who You Are], Remember This | Do you ever feel like you don't truly know who you are anymore? Your life purpose? Your true self? As an adult, I am rediscovering myself - my true self - and maybe that's your journey, too. When life gets complicated, you have to remember that only YOU are in control of you, the world and those around you | #selfdiscovery #selflove | theMRSingLink

Something has been difficult coming to terms with lately, and it was like the Universe gave me a sign from a thought I had a little while back. I was feeling lost – I just wasn’t sure why. All I knew is that I didn’t feel like myself, or that I had lost who I … Read more

[Grays Before 30] At-Home Gray Coverage With AGEbeautiful

[Grays Before 30] At-Home Gray Coverage With AGEbeautiful | [ad] #BeAgeBeautiful | How-to apply at-home hair color for gray coverage | Healthy hair tips for color treated hair | 3 Secrets to healthy, color treated hair | Fight signs of aging in your hair + covering stubborn gray hair | At-home DIY hair dye tutorial | theMRSingLink

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #BeAgeBeautiful #CollectiveBias You read that right – I’m not even the big 3-0 and already experiencing the salt and pepper struggle. Mostly salt, to be honest. I started coloring my hair at a fairly young age (though I … Read more