My husband is such a sucker for anything Buffalo – OK, I guess I am, too. But I get bored with the same old Buffalo Wings idea. So I tried something better – unique, in fact – and anyone’s first assumption is probably, ‘That…sounds repulsive‘. I said that too, when I saw this recipe idea from someone else. I figured, why not – what is there to lose?  It’s Twice Baked Crock Pot Buffalo Chicken Sweet Potatoes. Plus, I used the crock pot, which cut the work in half. But if you don’t have a crock pot – you should invest in one to save your life, here – or you can simply cook up the chicken by boil or skillet.
I’m telling you, folks, this recipe will give you chills. I have never had two completely different textures and tastes compliment each other so well – I mean, this has to be as good, or better, than the Watermelon Curry soup I witnessed the other day. I literally didn’t have any words or will for expression as I took my first bite at this recipe. I remember immediately texting my husband while he was at work on how good it was.
I’m really hoping you give this a whirl, and maybe you’ll do the same thing I did – contact the next immediate person who comes to mind to tell them about it.
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