Phew, I’ll tell ya – the thought of baking cookies always makes me a little anxious. I think its knowing I will have to go through the process of rolling and baking on repeat for 10-12 cookies at least 2-3-4 times. And my instinct is always, “Why not just bake it all at once and get it over with?“
My mom made Congo Squares (what she called them) more often than she made cookies, and honestly – I can definitely see where I got it from and why.
Yes, yes, yes I understand the concept of individual baked goods, but you can have just the same thing from cookie squares in a baking dish or cookie pie slices in a cast iron skillet! So for this recipe, I am using a 12 inch cast iron skillet. If you don’t have one, you should! First off, it’s non-sick, but it’s also economical, versatile, and distributes heat better than a regular dish or pan. Plus, you’ll save on soap – since you don’t ever clean the pan with it (crazy, I know). I have become a little obsessed with my cast iron skillet – to the point where I have yet to touch my old set of pots and pans in the last few months (other than to boil).
Now that’s saying something!
[Related Recipe: Simply Strawberry Blondie Bars]
What makes this cast iron skillet cookie different from the rest? Well, I add an extra egg and more peanut butter (oh yeah, baby) – which makes the batter richer and chewier. Because everyone is always trying to find that one recipe to make ooey, gooey, chewy cookies when most times they always just come out rock solid or harden over time. When honestly, the trick is not just in a few ingredients, but also the baking precision. If you overcook sweet goods by even a minute – you’ll miss your mark.
But not with this peanut butter chocolate chip skillet cookie.
peanut butter chocolate chip
Skillet Cookie
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