15+ DAY DATE ideas that aren’t just *dinner*

It’s becoming almost dreadfully and unbearably easy to resort to the ole’ dinner date these days. Okayyyy, I know, we shouldn’t really complain that much, and for the average couple with many years under their belt that dinner may actually be their escape from reality and just what they need to focus on nothing but each other. If that’s you and dinner dates are your jam, own it, baby!

To each their own, because more often than not when my husband and I resort to dinner dates we’re simply too focused on eating and getting out. Yep, we’re in and out of a restaurant in no more than an hour usually. So maybe dinner just isn’t cutting it anymore. Or even the classic dinner and a movie – can’t really, truly connect during those, either.

As I am getting *older*, I notice my utter LACK for wanting to do anything after dark, anyway – LOL – where I much prefer DAY TIME activities! Can I get an AMEN, here?!

It's becoming almost dreadfully and unbearably easy to resort to the ole' dinner date these days. And still, day dates are considered the unpopular opinion! But I say day dates are still dates, and I'm spilling 15+ DAY date ideas that aren't just *dinner*.

15+ DAY DATE ideas that aren’t just *dinner*

Let’s ask ourselves (whether you’re seeing someone new, dating, in a relationship, or married): What do we classify as a “date”?

I think if you asked most people, they would say a date [usually] embodies these characteristics: “nighttime”, chivalrous display of courtship, “wine and dining”, sex(y) appeal or “romancing” a *spark*, anxious-like butterfly “feels”, mutually connecting (through affection and admiration), light-heartedness and *fun*, as well as having that sense of “ending the night” (with *anticipation*). Now, I would be curious whether people would say day dates share the same or similar characteristics, because I often find that day dates get a bad rep for being called “Lazy” and “Not a [real] date”. And we have GOT to separate the conditioned mindset that a date is only a date when it embodies [all] those characteristics. Granted, every date should be *fun*, but not every date should have to be *romantic* (or our conditioned idea of what “romance” is).

Day dates are still real dates. And, in fact, we should be embracing them even more today as to do away with certain conditioning, negative stigmas and stereotypes that can be considered not only dangerous (in the dating world) but also harmful to relationships.


Hey! If you see this -> “***” next to the date idea, it means this date isn’t rated as PUBLIC or bears qualities that may not be suitable for those who don’t know each other very well. These dates “may not be recommended for those who are newly dating and are on date #1, 2, 3, 4 and so on,” or are to be accepted at your own risk. Just looking out for you, here!


***Go for a walk in the park. Any park or check out a new park you haven’t been! There are many parks around no matter where you live – bring a lawn game and make it a fun couple hours!

***Go for an actual hike. You know, like the kind where you have to wear tennis shoes or real hiking boots. Not sure where to go and look? Say no more – use AllTrails. Just don’t forget to pack water with you!

Do a mid-day matinee. *Lame*, I know, especially for the young, 20-something folks. But honestly, there’s just something about stepping out of the theater and knowing the day’s STILL your oyster!

Check off any of your usual *To-Do’s*. YUP, I’m going to say itttttt – do the adult life things together. Need to go grocery shopping, or run a few errands? Do it together, and make it a nice little outing! Snag your favorite coffee drink, grab lunch at your favorite spot or go for a mid-day ice cream treat to cap it off. As *whomp-whomp* as this clearly may seem, sometimes doing the typical, everyday stuff (especially for the newly dating couples) adds another level of depth to your connection when you engage amidst real life responsibilities, as well as having a new found appreciation when you do have more elaborate dates.

***Take a mini day-trip! I’m pretty sure everywhere has places – that are within 100 miles-ish distance, depending on how far you want to go – that you’ve yet to explore. So for me, basically in the heart of Orlando (or Central Florida), some spanning areas around me that are worth the day trip are Winter Garden, Kissimmee, St. Augustine, Melbourne, and Mt. Dora (just to name a few).

Mimosa at sunrise! So you know how sunset cocktails are irrefutably the norm? Well, how about sunrise mimosas, instead? LOL, I can only imagine the number of couples actually down for this one…BUT, why not? For morning Lovers or early risers this may be an ideal alternative to that “late night drink”, which should be overrated, anyway. So let’s bring the romance back into the light of day!

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Create your own Eat Around the World experience. This may be more of an “if you can” scenario, BUT a fun one if you do it right. What am I talking about exactly? Pick several different cuisines (from Thai, Indian, Mediterranean, Jamaican, Polish, German, French – you get the idea), then go lurking for restaurants that fit the bill, and have an app [to share] from each one! *For this to be successful, you might have to focus on your more “mom and pop” places, or hole in the walls.

***Go fishing, bird watching or scavenger hunting. For fishing Lovers, this can be easy and self-explanatory. Make it more interesting by finding your own unique, untouched “secret” spot! Or even if you’re just a nature Lover in general, there are so many places to “bird watch” and explore other means of wildlife around you. *Again, not necessarily something I’d recommend for the first handful of dates unless where you’re going is very public.

For a little less rustic approach, visit a botanical garden, aquarium or actual zoo. And if you’re over the zoo thing, nowadays there are so many other wildlife sanctuaries you can visit and even get close up and personal tours of – you just have to search for them in your area. Like, for me, in Central Florida we have a bird sanctuary, a sloth and wildlife encounter, big cat rescue as well as various botanical gardens.

For the earth and plant Lovers, go walk around your local or nearby plant nursery. Since entering my 30s I am now obsessed (quite an understatement since diving into Food Forestry) with all things plants and growing my own food. Going to our local plant and fruit tree nursery has been a “regular” thing for us, and this can certainly be a fun day date idea for any couple! It’s a fresh alternative to the typical date night in while enjoying the daytime outside.

***Take a bike ride. This doesn’t need to be something overthought – if you have a bike(s), take it somewhere! Bike on the beach, a trail, or around a nice park.

Try something out of your “comfort zone”. Hey, whatever that be, because this looks different for all. It could be bungee jumping, rock climbing, sky diving, learning to shoot at the gun range, taking a cooking or painting class, or maybe it is as simple as getting down and dirty in nature (yes, there are those who quite literally have never let the soles of their bare feet touch actual dirt, let alone play in it).

***Spend the day at your local Springs. Pretty sure we all have these, with the few exceptions where they may be too far away…or you happen to live somewhere that doesn’t have this. Springs – hot or cold – doesn’t matter. Enjoy the day wading and relaxing, or rent a kayak to explore. Pack a picnic lunch and you have yourself a nice little day date idea for the books!

Go to a local fair, flea market (pop-up market) or amusement park (or waterpark). When are these ever not fun, even if you’re simply walking around, people watching or living vicariously through others getting whiplashed by the twirl-a-whirl? Who says you have to ride the rides or buy anything? Okay, with the exception for amusement and water parks, your local fairs/carnivals and flea markets are usually FREE just to be. But, hey, if you got the cash to splurge a day per year to hit the coasters and water slides – why not?

Paint plaster or make pottery. These are still a thing, yeah? I know in the mid and late 90s painting plaster or ceramic figurines became the absolute RAGE. So I’m sure there are still places that exist (like the paint night classes) where you can make your own ceramics. What better way to channel your inner creativity (and releasing some mental steam) while also creating that space to connect on a date.

***Or, get your craft on together your own way. You know, go to Michael’s or any local craft store, and get your craft on together! This may not be the ideal first or first few date ideas together, unless you’re both crazily into knitting or crocheting, but it’s definitely a good one for the long-time couples who enjoy making their house a home or have similar crafty hobbies.

***Go on a shopping spree. Am I saying go all out and spend every dime you got on new clothes or furniture? No, absolutely not. But if you are due for purging some things in your closet or for updating something in your home, like a new couch or some decor pieces, then why not make it a fun day and call it a Spree? Go to several different places, try on new things, explore your options, then treat yourselves to something you need!

Go to the mall. Wow, I can’t believe I’m saying this in 2023, because I don’t think I’ve stepped foot to shop in a mall for well over 5 years now. Maybe it’s just me but the mall thing fizzled after outdoor shopping centers erupted, resulting in major department stores going under for good. Yet malls still exist – like, the big ones – and I’ll bet their still a good time to walk around aimlessly, grabbing a snack and a nick-nack or two. IDK, it might be fun to go back to the early 2000s when the malls were “The Hang Out” spot.

Visit a winery. I feel like wineries today have really amped up their game – they offer food, wine *obviously*, but other amenities, like games, that make it more catered and laid back. It’s much easier to spend a good amount of time at a winery without getting absolutely housed, unless that’s what you’re there to do. You can also have a really nice, relaxing time and it not the usual restaurant-style venture without compromising that romantic date appeal.

Check out a food, wine or art festival in your area. Yes, you will have to be more proactive in knowing where and when these take place, but more and more places are doing these fairly often – sometimes monthly! It’s a great way to be able to get out, walk around and do something different without settling for the usual (or breaking the bank, if you just walk around and meander).

Go to your local Farmer’s Market. This may not be *fun* for everyone, but if you’re 30 and like me…this is how I like to spend my Saturday or Sunday late mornings or afternoons – preferably after a hearty breakfast or brunch. Did I just give away another genius day date idea conglomeration?!

Visit an arcade, go bowling, or try your hand at Top Golf. Remember, you don’t have to do these things in the dark time. It’s a hands on experience while enjoying one another’s company, so why not do it at noon on a Sunday? Besides, sometimes these places have better deals during the day!

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Take a boat scenic tour or cruise. I’m not talking a literal Carnival Cruise here – no, no. I’m talking about one of those ferry tours – you know, the ones that maybe offer food and drinks and take you around for a few hours? Or maybe they’re called scenic tours for those who live near more popular water ways. Anyway, it’s another great way to get out during the day and do something different.

Book store or library *alert* for the Book Nerds. Because why not? If you both love a good book, or just the smell and feel of them, what better way to enjoy them together? And from the quiet or more introverted homebody’s date idea approach, this one could be a selling point! Maybe you can teach one another something new, or read to each other while sipping on a latte. For the novelist romantics I don’t think this could ever get old!

***Pick a place and pick up trash! Okay, listennnnn, because we should all be doing this no matter what, anywhere we are. And yet I’ll find myself disheartened to see the amount of trash left behind on the beach, or along a hiking trail. Waste may be a major and irreversible problem on this planet, but it should still always drive us to be responsible in making sure our Earth looks as clean as possible. ANYWAY, who says you can’t do a bit of good while making time to connect?

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