Hi there! That's me - Carissa!
Pronounced the – [missing] – Link. Get it?
Since early 2017 theMRSingLink (TML) has been a growing resource for women on improving their relationships and breaking unhealthy habits and patterns in their life (including relationships, friendships, personal growth, and beyond).
My goal for TML is pretty simple: to be real and honest with you (none of that sugar-coated, diluted nonsense). I aim to be the friend I never had. Who would have told me to open my eyes and remove the veil – that my ways and my think aren’t always sound or absolute. Who would have been a shoulder and support pillar when I needed it most; at the same time showing me that not all support is loving (it can be enabling). Who would have compassion for my feelings but also told me like it is instead of tickling my sensitive ears with half-truths.
I also want you to know that I’m in the trenches with you, by sharing my own personal experiences along the way, because in this crazy thing called Life…we all just want to be heard. So I’m here to tell you that I do hear you, I am listening. Though I may not understand or agree with everything, I strive to be exactly what you need – a voice of reason, a shoulder for support, or an ear for listening.
A little deeper about me: Alas, I became a certified relationship coach. Why? I’m just insanely passionate about the value of deeper connections and relationships. I grew up with a pretty icky outlook on myself, relationships, and people in general. I was never really surrounded by healthy relationships nor was that something modeled to me, and developed social anxiety from a very young age.
I wasn’t having it anymore. I went from feeling like I couldn’t have a voice to now receiving mostly criticism for finding one. The repercussions of not having a voice and timid of sharing it brought me to a path of self re-discovery in my 30s. So having this blog really takes me outside of my comfort zone.
What else am I passionate about: Dogs – my animals. Being a dog mom myself, I care very deeply about giving my furbabies the best life possible. For 10 years I worked at a Veterinarian – I started out lowest on the totem pole as a kennel/boarding employee when I was in high school, then worked my way up to part kennel tech part hospital tech. By the time I hit my 6-7 year mark while in college, I became the boarding supervisor or kennel manager for the hospital. Needless to say, I learned a lot. And I have a lot to say about what I’ve learned and taken away from that job and the practice in general – though it is strictly personal opinion. Therefore, I created a specific section of this blog pertaining to The Dog Mom Life.
My backstory
I’m a college grad in Digital Media and web design – code being my 2nd language – buttt… there was something missing in that dream career for me. The freedom and confidence to have and speak my own mind, which is THE most challenging for me to do.
I met my husband, Ray, through Online Dating in 2012 (thank you, Plenty of Fish). Since then our journey together began and became a major reason for having the courage to start this blog in the first place.
So if you follow my blog, you’re on this journey with me in real-time! That being said, if you ever just want to talk, vent or spill your guts – reach out to me – I’m that girlfriend who will listen!
Who am I, really?
a little bit sarcastic, a lot of social awkwardness
born + raised Florida girl (heat beats that sleet!)
dog mom
loves to cook (take a peek at my recipes)
hates large crowds; social interactions DRAIN me
coffee + dill pickles are my survival choices
an odd pair, but trance + ambient classical music are my jam
wife to my amazing husband (my person)
college grad in digital media + web design (TBH, my degree doesn’t mean much to me)
contrary to the blog, I mostly keep to myself (that whole ‘what I do, say and feel matters’ thing is hard)
recovering ‘people pleaser’
more of an observer + follower than a ‘do-er’ + leader
wanna-be, sorta-am novelist + artist
easily swooned by deep, intellectual conversations on life
flawed with the twisted enjoyment of canceled plans, sunsets + thunderstorms
you can 100% find me out in nature, in the peace + quiet of solitude, painting, photographing, writing, gaming or fishing